Sometimes we all want to disappear in the depths of an infinite path and the reason of this is obvious: We all come from the depths of infinity!
— Mehmet Murat ildanAlready this sun was pouring its wrath into the blue Indian ocean where swordfish and marlin cruised like silver-blue attenuated warheads in their green-gold depths...
— Mike BondTo your simple existence, do not boast;merely to breathe or move or think is not to live.The shore of the sea is but a ghost,compared to the depth its wholeness gives.You exist in the miry foam;make the ocean depths your home.
— Craig FromanDrift beautifully on the surface, and you will die unbeautifully in the depths.
— Richard EllmannWe are all bodies of water, guarding the mystery of our depths, but some of us have more to guard than others.
— Deborah SmithA man cannot understand hunger, until he has swum in the depths of hunger.
— David ReaShyness is just egoism out of its depth.
— Penelope KeithThe beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.
— Elisabeth Kübler-RossOnly by glaring into the depths of ones own reflection can we find our true selves. It is here where the mirrored voices of our souls speak and can be heard.
— Paul MorabitoIf we come from the water, I conclude that we come from different kinds of it. I will meet a person and in his eyes see an ocean, deep and never ending; then I will meet another person and feel as though I have stepped into a shallow puddle on the street, there is nothing in it. Or maybe some of us come from the water, and some of us come from somewhere else; then it's all a matter of finding those who are the same as us.
— C. JoyBell C.