I am not for the left or the right, but for what is right over the wrong. I am not an elephant or a donkey, but a lion that stands only with Truth and my conscience.
— Suzy KassemThe Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work, and then they get elected and prove it.
— P.J. O'RourkeAt the end of the day, I do not care how many Democrats or Republicans are in office. What I do care about is whether our leader is truly serving THE PEOPLE or only his/her own pockets. Is our leader in tune with the concerns and needs of the man on the street - or only issues concerning private interests? Is this leader uniting or dividing the country? Milking or contributing to it? Building and preserving it -- or bringing it all down?
— Suzy KassemThe political spectrum is not a straight, bi-polar line. It's a circle.
— T. Rafael CiminoBefore the nineteen-seventies, most Republicans in Washington accepted the institutions of the welfare state, and most Democrats agreed with the logic of the Cold War. Despite the passions over various issues, government functioned pretty well. Legislators routinely crossed party lines when they voted, and when they drank; filibusters in the Senate were reserved for the biggest bills; think tanks produced independent research, not partisan talking points. The 'D.' or 'R.' after a politician's name did not tell you what he thought about everything, or everything you thought about him.
— George PackerTen men shouting will control ten thousand who choose to remain silent.
— Joseph J. HaeggquistExtremes to the right and to the left of any political dispute are always wrong.
— Dwight D. EisenhowerWe (libertarians) find just as many things to rip on the left as we do on the right. People on the far-left and the far-right are the same exact person to us.
— Trey ParkerDemocracy's fatal flaw: There are more dumb people than smart people. Welcome to the new Dark Ages!
— Oliver GaspirtzDemocrats and Republicans were essentially the same party with different faces and that was why, no matter how many promises each leader made, significant change rarely transpired.
— James Morcan