Idealistic? Ruddy stupid, if you'll pardon the language, miss,: Mr Roberts said. 'All this talk about power for the people and down with the ruling classes and everyone should govern themselves. It can never happen, I told him. The ruling classes are born to rule. They know how to do it. You take a person like you or me and you put us up there to run a country and we'd make a ruddy mess of it.
— Rhys BowenDemocratic Socialism is simply Totalitarianism that allows you the illusion of a voice in the matter.
— A.E. SamaanDemocratic Socialism devolves into totalitarian Socialism and eventually into full on Communism as people resist statism.
— A.E. SamaanAmerican Progressives have declared war on the sanctity and autonomy of the individual.
— A.E. SamaanLENIN = 'Revolutionary Social Democracy'American Socialists = 'Democratic Socialism'. What is the difference? The USSR held democratic referendums too; all of which increased the power of the central planners and reduced the individual to nothingness.
— A.E. SamaanThe central planners of Democratic Socialism tighten their noose when people resist their plans and assert their rights. All Socialism is intended to devolve into Communism, and as a result, Totalitarianism.
— A.E. SamaanIt is amazing how desperately the self-proclaimed revolutionaries grope for their own orthodoxy.
— A.E. SamaanAll Socialism is Democratic Socialism. Socialist nations take away civil liberties by referendum.
— A.E. SamaanThe theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private liberty.
— A.E. SamaanFor 70 years Democrats bitterly denied being 'socialists'. Bernie Sanders has done the service of exposing them.
— A.E. Samaan