In proportion that property is small, the danger of misusing the franchisee is great.

— Barbara W. Tuchman

It's an election year. We would prefer that voters didn't use common sense.

— Aaron Sorkin

He was rebuilt, reconstituted by vengeance dressed up as high purpose.

— Ron Suskind

It is one thing to rouse the passion of a people, and quite another to lead them.

— Ron Suskind

You [demagogues] are like the fishers for eels; in still waters they catch nothing, but if they thoroughly stir up the slime, their fishing is good; in the same way it's only in troublous times that you line your pockets.

— Aristophanes

Hate obscures all distinctions.

— C.S. Lewis

It is not an overstatement to say that the destiny of the entire human race depends on what is going on in America today. This is a staggering reality to the rest of the world; they must feel like passengers in a supersonic jetliner who are forced to watch helplessly while a passel of drunks, hypes, freaks, and madmen fight for the controls and the pilot's seat. – Eldridge Cleaver, Soul on Ice, 1968.

— Mark Kurlansky

[Y]ou possess all the attributes of a demagogue; a screeching, horrible voice, a perverse, crossgrained nature and the language of the market-place. In you all is united which is needful for governing.

— Aristophanes