I was never fond of this boyfriend-girlfriend game. Outsmart me, make me feel challenged and I can walk with you forever but to act like love smitten puppies in love is not my thing.
— Parul WadhwaThe food in the hostel mess is worst of a kind. The grief in my words reach easily to those who have 'been there and done that' Chapatti in the meal is either so uncooked or overly cooked and you can only expect dal in the ocean of water when you are ready to swim.
— Parul WadhwaI am sick and tired of coming good on expectations.
— Parul WadhwaI am a palette of emotions; I remember how I have cov-eted to be free from the school rules. I look around to see people casually dressed up and walking with an aim maybe to make a better career or just add fame of DU degree like me. The campus is buzzing with freshman and activity. I just hope, these corridors, hallways, and passages don’t see me trip-ping and falling any day. I feel more comfortable standing in between the crowd of people moving. Like nobody is paying any heed. You can be yourself without feeling awkward about anything.
— Parul WadhwaI walk alone and on my own.
— Parul WadhwaSetting the remains of a freshly erupted volcano, I walk.
— Parul WadhwaCut off's are like real sadist as they watch some folks happy and disappoint the majority. People dream of a life at Delhi University. Delhiites know there is something special about the brand name and life at the campus. Rest as they say is history and it speaks volumes.
— Parul Wadhwa