And now, for something completely the same:Wasted time and wasted breath,'s what I'll make, until my death.Helping people 'd be as good,but I wouldn't, if I could.For the few that help deserve,have no need, or not the nerve,help from strangers to accept,plus from mine a few have wept.Wept from joy, or from despair,or just from my vengeful stare.Ways I have, to look at stupid,make them see I am not Cupid.Make them see they are in error,for of truth I am a bearer.Most decide I'm just a bear,mauling at them, - like I care.
— Will AdviseMost of my failures can be ascribed to the fact that I chose that which was ‘easy’ over that which was ‘right’. And while it’s ‘right’ to admit this to myself, it isn’t ‘easy.’ So, which choice am I going to make this time?
— Craig D. LounsbroughI'm in a hole because at some point I found a shovel and started digging. Maybe I should trade my shovels for ladders and start climbing.
— Craig D. LounsbroughPeople skills are useless with cats, because cats are immune to training, and do whatever they decide in any situation... And most importantly they aren’t human.
— Will AdviseThe trouble with making an important decision was that you never had enough information to do it without hesitating. And it’s the hesitation that gnawed at you and never helped you to make the decision.
— Kenneth EadeDecisions are the privilege we’ve been granted to have a hand in penning the script of our lives. And in the writing, the question is not the availability of the paper or the pen. The question is the wisdom to use them rightly.
— Craig D. LounsbroughTranslating from #cat is easy - you just ignore everything, then you decide what you want it to have said, thought, or wanted.
— Will AdviseVoting on things is democratic, yes - but not on deciding on whether or not people should be equal or have human rights. That isn't democracy, it is mob rule.Everybody should be equal in a democracy - that is the nature of a democracy.
— Christina EngelaThe common theme of common sense is that it’s commonly rejected as uncommonly demanding.
— Craig D. LounsbroughI am far too often the author of terribly poor decisions. Yet I must rest in the unalterable fact that God says I am far better than what the sum total of those decisions would ever suggest.
— Craig D. Lounsbrough