These days when Christians bicker they exaggerate passion into a legalistic belief and prosperity into a lukewarm belief.
— Criss JamiPause your opinions, debating and absolute knowing for long enough to conceive gratitude.
— Bryant McGillI strongly object to wrong arguments on the right side. I think I object to them more than to the wrong arguments on the wrong side.
— G.K. ChestertonIf you have to say or do something controversial, aim so that people will hate that they love it and not love that they hate it.
— Criss JamiHealthy debating enforces critical thinking principles - looking at things from the different angles, with increased perspective and less prejudgment.
— Pearl ZhuIt’s not about some principled debate as to whether I should focus on what I have, or on what I don’t have. Rather, it’s about being thankful that I have the privilege to enjoy the former, and the opportunity to contemplate the latter.
— Craig D. LounsbroughExcluding certain ideas and thoughts, calling them hate speech, is an important piece in the progressive movement’s puzzle. If you can’t win an argument logically, demonize your opponent, make him out to be a bad person and all of a sudden the ideas he stands for become bad as well.
— Chris SardegnaA second marked characteristic of the Liberal in debate with the conservative is the tacit premise that debateis ridiculous....Many people shrink from arguments over facts because facts are tedious, because they require a formal familiarity with the subject under discussion, and because they can be ideologically dislocative. Many Liberals accept their opinions, ideas, and evaluations as others accept revealed truths.
— William F. Buckley Jr.Our civic life is heavily marked—indeed, pocked—by debates in which each side is so certain of its position that any movement is effectively impossible. For that matter, debate—in its original sense of “to consider something, to deliberate”—is impossible. We wind up with so much sound and fury and nothing gained.
— Leah Hager CohenMeanings with no purpose are useful for meaningless debates on what the 'meaner' meant. And that's what #politics is all about - misreading.
— Will Advise