I live in two unique worlds, traveling between both with just the opening or closing of my eyes.

— Richelle E. Goodrich

As the daydreams grew longer, the distinction between what was real and what was imaginary grew less. Soon I existed in a blissful world of my own creation.

— Fennel Hudson

Therefore, the places in which we have experienced day dreaming reconstitute themselves in a new daydream, and it is because our memories of former dwelling-places are relived as day-dreams these dwelling-places of the past remain in us for all the time.

— Gaston Bachelard

Daydream, which is to thought as the nebula is to the star, borders on sleep, and is concerned with it as its frontier. An atmosphere inhabited by living transparencies: there's a beginning of the unknown. But beyond it the Possible opens out, immense.Other beings, other facts, are there. No supernaturalism, only the occult continuation of infinite nature. . . . Sleep is in contact with the Possible, which we also call the improbable. The world of the night is a world. Night, as night, is a universe. . . . The dark things of the unknown world become neighbors of man, whether by true communication or by a visionary enlargement of the distances of the abyss . . . And the sleeper, not quite seeing, not quite unconscious, glimpses the strange animalities, weird vegetations, terrible or radiant pallors, ghosts, masks, figures, hydras, confusions, moonless moonlights, obscure unmakings of miracle, growths and vanishings within a murky depth, shapes floating in shadow, the whole mystery which we call Dreaming, and which is nothing other than the approach of an invisible reality. The dream is the aquarium of Night.

— Victor Hugo

I was sitting on a bench having a bagel, but from where I was both jogging and scullng looks good to me. -- Sam.

— Aaron Sorkin

And the man who dreamt of flight has tripped and fallen in a hole.

— Shaun Hick

This stretch through the fogbound forest gradually lulled Grange into his favorite daydream; in it he saw an image of his life: all that he had he carried with him; twenty feet away, the world grew dark, perspectives blurred, and there was nothing near him but this close halo of warm consciousness, this nest perched high above the vague earth.

— Julien Gracq

Every exceptional writer holds a Master of Arts in Daydreaming.

— Richelle E. Goodrich

We can imprison ourselves with our wants, wishes, and false dreams.

— Kilroy J. Oldster

I existed in a cocoon, wrapped in daydreams. It's dangerous to be too much alone with an imagination.

— Rachel Hore