The 'Big Bang' idea of pseudo armchair pundits, too is as much a theory as a human-like big buffoon, that your so-called 'holy' books call god.
— Fakeer IshavardasEverywhere you look, there you are. The same intelligence that created and creates all things is in you as it is in everything you see and don’t see: the sky, birds, trees, water, fire, rocks—name it, this intelligence is in it. This also means that there’s a part of you in everything, and no-thing, and everything plus no-thing has a part of you in them. Therefore, you are in everything and everything is in you. All is one.
— Dr. Jacinta MpalyenkanaTime is inexplicable because it moves – clicks away – at steady increments, while increasing the past and bringing the future into the present. Time has a necessary affinity with both heaven and the earthly reality. ‘Pythagoras, when he was asked what time was, answered that it is the soul of the world.’ Plato said that time and heaven must be coexistent. Without time nothing can be created or generated in the universe, nor is anything intelligible without eternity. Time is no accident or affection, but the cause, power, and principle of the symmetry and order that confines all created beings, by which the animated nature of the universe moves.
— Kilroy J. OldsterAccording to the Buddha's teaching the beginning of the life-stream of living beings is unthinkable. THe believer in the creation of life by God may be astonished at this reply. But if you were to ask him 'What is the beginning of God?' he would answer without hesitation 'God has no beginning', and he is not astonished at his own reply.
— Walpola RahulaAs a rationalist, pragmatist, and a scientist I rarely involve myself in the cosmological arguments of the creation of the universe.
— Debasish MridhaYour body may not be, but the quintessence your being and entity is made-up of, is forever.
— Fakeer IshavardasGod created you to see what you would show Him.
— Katy TackesThe Reality of the Creator God of Christianity blatantly reveals itself in His majestic handy-work.'~R. Alan Woods [2013].
— R. Alan Woods