Your dreams will come true, but do not be overly demanding. Be logical – there are not enough mansions for everyone in the world, are there?

— Stephen Richards

Hard work is what you do to make ends meet, easy work is getting others to do the hard work for you.

— Stephen Richards

I am that I ama Goddess, a Godentitled to the deepest and most beautiful sensationsoffered by Heaven and EarthIn love I trustIn Wisdom I am revealed.

— Ramon Ravenswood

Feeling indifferent or reserved about doing something is a signal that it is probably not correct after all.

— Stephen Richards

All you need to know about the light is in being in the dark.

— Michael Bassey Johnson

Sentinels of treesbreathe life into bodies of earthly fleshAs their mighty arms reach to the starswe join in their quest for Helios’s mighty powerLike sentinels, we seek our placein the forest of nature’s gentle breath.

— Ramon Ravenswood

No matter whether you believe in luck or chance, the final decision is from yourself.

— Stephen Richards

Your own dreams stand alone, longing to be fulfilled, and you wonder if it will ever happen. You must have faith. Just as the bus was a little late, so too can fulfilment of your desires come a bit late.

— Stephen Richards

View life through a wide angle lens attitude and see your horizons broaden.

— Stephen Richards

Stars are made for public light shows, consider how the night sky sheers out cosmic cheers at their glow!

— Tracey Bond