My body's been touched a thousand or more times but I am craving something so much deeper than that ~ I desire to be felt, right down to the core of my soul and the corners of my heart. That's what love is about isn't it ~ cracking yourself open to the possibility that it could change your life.
— Nikki RoweIf money’s the god people worship, I’d rather go worship the devil instead.
— Jess C. ScottFocus on making choices to lead your life that aligns with your core values in the most purposeful way possible.
— Roy T. BennettIt is not until you change your identity to match your life blueprint that you will understand why everything in the past never worked.
— Shannon L. AlderLove is our most basic human value and also our highest potential.
— Kamand KojouriIf you compromise your core values, you go nowhere.
— Roy T. BennettLike a wolf, she lived by instinct.
— Nikki RoweYour values create your internal compass that can navigate how you make decisions in your life. If you compromise your core values, you go nowhere.
— Roy T. BennettRare are the handful of principles that incessantly drive us to stand even when we face the stark realization that we will likely perish in the standing. And rarer still is the person who will surrender all to protect such principles. Yet, the rudimentary principles of freedom and liberty pristinely untarnished by greed and selfishness took captive the hearts of simple people and raised this nation up from untamed wilderness and unchecked tyranny. And let us all be warned that without renewed adherence to these principles, we will rapidly return this nation to untamed wilderness and unchecked tyranny.
— Craig D. LounsbroughYour goals and the tasks you choose to accomplish your goals either align with dream and core values or they don’t. It’s that simple.
— Julie Connor