Ninja Mom's know that God has never left them!
— Anna M. AquinoIf you are a worrywart you can't be a ninja. You can't rise up and fight when the weight of the world is pressing you down. Your family needs you to be sane and not bogged down in fear.
— Anna M. AquinoNinja Mom's can't be all their called to be, if their so stressed out about how their going to pay their Mastercard bill.
— Anna M. AquinoNinja Mom's are graced to finish the raise set before them!
— Anna M. AquinoNinja mom's understand that training time is never wasted time.
— Anna M. AquinoNinja's understand that training time is never wasted time.
— Anna M. AquinoYou are a victorious ninja because God created you that way!
— Anna M. AquinoTo be a ninja Mom you have to be cool with yourself.
— Anna M. AquinoNinja Mom's have to learn that when they mess up, they get right back up again.
— Anna M. AquinoNinja mom's understand that life is a balancing act, and in order to keep the balance they have to learn to enjoy the moment!
— Anna M. Aquino