The Communist regime didn't consider this to be a shining moment in history and assigned no heroism to it. They classified it as merely an accident.
— Kathryn BigelowIf your political theory requires humanity to 'evolve', then you do not have a theory.... You have a dream.
— A.E. SamaanPolitics should be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.
— Lucille BallThe Korean War, which China entered on the side of North Korea, fixed Mao's image in the United States as another unappeasable Communist.
— Pankaj MishraPolitical tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. The latter are surly curmudgeons, suspicious and lacking in altruism. But they are more comfortable neighbors than the other sort.
— Robert A. HeinleinIt's a different outlook, and one that I understand. When you are a former member of the Warsaw Pact, when you have lived behind the Berlin Wall, when you have experienced the communist systems that existed in these countries, for them, the West represents hope.
— Jean-Pierre RaffarinCommunist until you get rich. Feminist until you get married. Atheist until the airplane starts falling.
— juanda brahma mettaTo Live In The Midst Of Communist Society Is To Unashamedly Proclaim A Life Of Holiness.
— Sunday AdelajaAls it is hard for America to fight wars in the name of freedom, if those people themselves choose for nonfreedom. Can America and England save India from communism, if they vote communist themselves.
— Oswald MosleyDemocratic Socialism devolves into totalitarian Socialism and eventually into full on Communism as people resist statism.
— A.E. Samaan