Whenever I am in a difficult situation where there seems to be no way out, I think about all the times I have been in such situations and say to myself, 'I did it before, so I can do it again.
— Idowu KoyenikanWhen you fall short of your goals and dreams ask yourself is it your mindset, perspective, expectations, effort, approach, acceptance, company or a blend of these that needs to change.
— Rasheed OgunlaruDecision making and problem solving are not the same. To solve a problem, one needs to find a solution. To make a decision, one needs to make a choice.
— Michael J. MarxWhen a leader is at their limit the last thing they want to hear is that they need to change even more. Maintaining good rhythms of rest, exercise and fun create more energy for a leader to be willing and open for change.
— Gary RohrmayerNevertheless, the Holy Spirit brings peace to your mind and heart as you uncover and make the right choice and align yourself with professional, ethical standards.
— Michael J. MarxCoachable people seek out those who speak truth to them, even if it is a painful truth, because it protects them and it makes them a better person and leader.
— Gary RohrmayerWe do not get to choose how we start out in life. We do not get to choose the day we are born or the family we are born into, what we are named at birth, what country we are born in, and we do not get to choose our ancestry. All these things are predetermined by a higher power. By the time you are old enough to start making decisions for yourself, a lot of things in your life are already in place. It’s important, therefore, that you focus on the future, the only thing that you can change.
— Idowu KoyenikanI am not the type that is trying to help add balance to your life by removing the balancein your savings account.
— Kim Ha CampbellBut if you forgive someone for something they did to you, it doesn’t mean you agree with what they did or believe it was right. Forgiving that person means you have chosen not to dwell on the matter anymore; you have moved on with your life.
— Idowu KoyenikanToday is a new day and it brings with it a new set of opportunities for me to act on.I am attentive to the opportunities and I seize them as they arise.I have full confidence in myself and my abilities.I can do all things that I commit myself to.No obstacle is too big or too difficult for me to handle because what lies inside me is greater than what lies ahead of me.I am committed to improving myself and I am getting better daily.I am not held back by regret or mistakes from the past.I am moving forward daily.Absolutely nothing is impossible for me.
— Idowu Koyenikan