Many of us have been taught to show caring by worrying about the other person, which doesn't truly create closeness because it prompts her to prove that everything is okay with her to ease your discomfort. In addition, we may try to show caring through advising or attempting to fix the other person's problems, which doesn't work for creating closeness because it places you in a superior position, the one who can fix things, seeding resentment in the other person.

— Kira Asatryan

You have someone in your life whom you honor and revere so much that every hurt on them is inflicted on you as well. And the closer they are to you, the greater the pain.

— Masashi Kishimoto

No matter how close people get, they never reach each other. Including us now. Even now, there's a place where each of us is alone.

— Peter Høeg

I wanted to make him understand that we shared the details of our lives, because they were the threads that braided us so closely together. And you would have been certain to tell me about a Sabatier knife, because it would have had the rare value of being a detail in your life which tied directly into mine - Bee in Sister.

— Rosamund Lupton

It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.

— John Joseph Powell

I look at youAnd I want to build thingsFour wallsA roofA room with a viewI look at youAnd I want to build thingsA stack of logsA roaring fireA starlit night with youI look at youAnd I want to build thingsHike a secret trailwhere the world cannot find usA bench built for twoPicture this - lightning and thunderPicture this- my telephone numberPicture this- discovery and wonderPicture this- the moon as we slumberI look at you And I want to build thingsI just need my handsYour smileAnd for you to want this too.

— José N. Harris

My sister and I are so close that we finish each other’s sentences and often wonder who’s memories belong to whom.

— Shannon Celebi

With so much unknown in this life, how little it takes for a face, a grove of trees, an outcropping of stone to become familiar.

— Larry Watson

Sticking to one person for a lifetime is not a waste of time or lack of better ones, it means you've found your place of eternity.

— Michael Bassey Johnson

Still, we've attempted to argue when necessary; you've got to be able to let loose and even lose your temper a bit if you're finding it hard to breathe. Closeness has to be like running water; it mustn't stagnate and sour.

— Oddný Eir