Simon was still trying to work out how Shadowhunter government and also Shadowhunter family trees worked. They all seemed to be related to each other and it was very disturbing.

— Cassandra Clare

So you’re suggesting we take the train up to York, meet a ninety-year-old man, leap on him, and yank out his hair? I’m sure the Clave will beecstatic.”“They’ll just say you’re mad,” said Jessamine. “They already think it, so what’s the difference, really?

— Cassandra Clare

Sed lex dura lex,' said Jace automatically. 'The Law is hard, but it is the Law.

— Cassandra Clare

While the Clave disapproves of trespassers, oddly they take an even darker view of beheading and skinning people. They're peculiar that way.

— Cassandra Clare

The Scholomance was a piece of Shadowhunter history come to life. A cold castle of towers and corridors carved into the side of a mountain in the Carpathians, it had existed for centuries as a place where the most elite of Shadowhunters were trained to deal with the double menaces of demons and Downworlders. It had been closed when the first Accords were signed: a show of faith that Downworlders and Shadowhunters were no longer at war.

— Cassandra Clare

Wither thou goest, I will go; thy people shall by my people; where thou diest, will I die, and there I be buried.

— Cassandra Clare