Kid's books should be just as good as any other books. No. They should be held to a *higher* standard than other literature for the same reason that we take extra care with children's food.The fact is, what you feed your kids is important, and that includes what they put in their heads as well as what they put in their bellies.
— Patrick RothfussLove makes things possible, not easy.
— Sam GaytonBad in good and good in bad, see the life you could have had? Your life is the keyhole, and you are the key, don’t look back, NOW choose to be happy!”Deetkatu, See the Little People…An Enchanting Adventure.
— Chris DiSano DavenportNow Arthur, if humans could learn to gaze with their eyes or use their special sight, they would realize there is more to seeing than just what is in front of them!” Den the Wise Oak Tree, See the Little People…An Enchanting Adventure.
— Chris DiSano DavenportIf you were happy with all you had, then you’d grow, If the sun and moon could make you glad, then you’d know. With food on your plate and a place to sleep, be thankful and you’ll be given more to keep, Just for now, what you need for now. Feel you are worthy, you will not lack, you’ll enjoy life and love to give back, Forgiving others you forgive yourself, which makes more room to live and be well, Just allow. For every gift you give extends, more love and wealth the heavens send, Again and again, ten times ten, Because you are loved more than you know, your mistakes turn you into a loving soul, You’ll learn how.” Trinity, The Little People Journey into the Mystic Sea.
— Chris DiSano DavenportIf you say something over and over and over again you may just start to believe it. If you truly do believe it, you can be sure you will receive it.Selkie Anne, The Little People Journey into the Mystic Sea.
— Chris DiSano DavenportWhen I am happy and when I really focus, I can! Whatever I dream of with my thoughts becomes a part of my world, my plan.”Deetkatu, See the Little People…An Enchanting Adventure.
— Chris DiSano DavenportIf you say something over and over and over again you may just start to believe it. If you truly do believe it, you can be sure you will receive it.'Selkie Anne, The Little People Journey into the Mystic Sea.
— Chris DiSano DavenportIt can appear that Ellarie has it hard to be seen and to be heard. Sometimes this is her way and maybe not the best, but it is a way she often uses, I have to confess. Her invisible poke or pinch is to help those believe, in more than just a ghostly story or what the eyes can perceive. The brighter your light shines will give a clue, to the goodness you attract that follows you.”Trinity, The Little People Journey into the Mystic Sea.
— Chris DiSano DavenportYou mean to tell me that you have made a human friend? It could be dangerous and I must urge it to end! Deetkatu, where is your sense?” Grampa's tone was abruptly tense.Grampa Foster, See the Little People…An Enchanting Adventure.
— Chris DiSano Davenport