A prayer is a chat with thy God.
— Toba BetaI promised myself that we’d have this little air-clearing chat today without my tongue ending up in your mouth.
— Bella AndreI know for a fact that no matter where I go, the memory and the suffering of not being with you will cripple me. I will go to work, fire up my PC, only to check if you're online. I will hover the pointer to your name, it will pop your contact details--just the contact details, no photo, no one-liners, no sign of what we used to have--but I shall linger and stare at it for hours. I will attempt to start a chat, but will close it without even a word to type. I will try to divert my thoughts back to work. But will fail. I will always go back to you. One hour to another, it's 5 PM. I pack my things, unproductive for the day and smile. I'm doing that again tomorrow and the next.
— CSTPimentelWhen you meet someone you want to know, be very careful on how you sit on the driving seat to examine that person because you may end up putting yourself on a serious examination. Sometimes people lose interest & walk away after a chat because of the type of questions & silly discussions you engage in. Sometimes your highest intelligence end up exposing your foolishness.
— Uzoma NnadiPeople want chat histories. They're a permanent testimony of a relationship.
— Brian ActonOlly: jesus. Is there a girl on this planet who doesn't love mr.DarcyMadeline: All girls love Mr. Darcy?Olly: are you kidding? Even my sister loves darcy and she doesn't love anybodyMadeline: She must love somebody. I'm sure she loves youOlly: what's so great about darcy?Madeline: That's not a serious questionOlly: he's a snobMadeline: But he overcomes it and eventually realizes that character matters more than class! He's a man open to learning life's lessons! Also, he's completely gorgeous and noble and brooding and poetic. Did I mention gorgeous? Also, he loves Elizabeth beyond all reason.
— Nicola YoonSome are condemned to remain mere “clock and smart phone watchers”, inasmuch as they are not able to read and interpret the lines of their life or don't even treasure the enchantment of daily captivating moments. If we are not prepared to give some personal time to social time, we walk like blind men through gloomy alleys of our existence. ( ' Please. Just a bit of a chat ' ).
— Erik PevernagieWe both know... That soon everything is going to end......This chat will be in the past... But what to do on that riddle or puzzle or mystery...????
— Deyth BangerThe cat that laughs is crazy. Man who does not laugh is below... (Le chat qui rit est un fou. - Homme qui ne rit est dessous...).
— Charles de LeusseBe a good listener. With rapt attention, let every communication or conversation you have with your mentor, friends or even strangers be well understood.
— Israelmore Ayivor