Simply give to yourselves that which you need – which is love and appreciation without judgment.
— Réné GaudetteChristmas, so joyfully celebrated within our hearts and within the hearts of countless others.
— EleeshaNever allow yourself to become despondent or weary, as you venture along life’s chosen path.
— EleeshaYour empowerment remains Soulfully supported from within.
— EleeshaAs we celebrate the evolution of the life of one so special, we embrace the meaning of life, itself.
— EleeshaLet strength & wisdom carry you forward beyond the limited horizons — you may have once envisioned.
— EleeshaWe are not here to give you the answer. We are here to give you an opportunity to have an insight and realize that you had the answers within the whole time. You couldn't recognize the answer without having it inside of you to begin with.
— Jessie & JasonThe Mind may relish the companionship of bloated self-pride - but the Soul, will not.
— EleeshaHelp me to understand, what my grief has prevented me from seeing - within.
— EleeshaSummon the strength of your capabilities —not just housed in the mind - but, empowered within the Soul.
— Eleesha