There are twenty one mystical dimensions of consciousness. Enlightenment is abiding in the highest three dimensions of consciousness.
— Amit RayCA means Chakra of Ambitions. I am a Chartered Accountant.
— VikrmnIt's easier said than done but when you feel yourself out of balance within, stop in that present moment and catch your breathe. Remind yourself of 5 things, that help you feel most alive and re-centre your own energy frequency so you can continue living out of your intentions not the world's distractions.
— Nikki RoweProgram your life the way you want it to be: don't waste the unuse energy that lodges in the matrix of your soul. You are transcendent, be a superintendent.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonBlessed are those that know the path out of their carnal flesh, for they shall attain intuition.
— Michael Bassey JohnsonThe heart is not only the location of the 4th chakra, located at the centre of your chakra system, but also the centre of your conscious universe and is able to create and define life in its true essence.
— Steven RedheadAnd suddenly you realize: you are in every dot of the universe vanishing and arising.
— Amit RayIt's more than ok to say no to the people and places that harm your peace.
— Nikki RoweThe Presence of the demon keeps the chakra from doing its job, but that challenge also forces us to bring more awareness to that job, so eventually we can do it better.
— Anodea JudithEnlightenment is making friendship with the whole existence.
— Amit Ray