She can paint a lovely picture, but this story has a twist. Her paintbrush is a razor, and her canvas is her wrist.
— Amy EfawFor a filmmaker, it's a rare chance to do a personal film on a big canvas.
— Ang LeeNobody had forgotten anything here. In Berlin, you had to wrestle with the past, you had to build on the ruins, inside them. It wasn't like America where we scraped the earth clean, thinking we could start again every time.
— Janet FitchAn empty canvas is full.
— Robert RauschenbergAn empty canvas is a living wonder... Far lovelier than certain pictures.
— Wassily KandinskyWe make, see, and love films, not digitals. To convert all of our movies, home videos, theaters, photographs and television to digital would be like telling a painter to throw away his brushes and canvas for an I-Pad. Celluloid isn't just nostalgic, it's an art form and, like it or not, it's superior to digital. It lasts much longer, it provides grain and brighter colors, and it takes more effort so that it produces something wonderful. With the inferior binary codes, pixels and untested shelf-life of digital files, plus the fact that these days anyone with a digital camera, even a two-year-old, can make a video and pollute the world with self-photography and cat pictures, film has a lot more integrity and worth than digital.
— Rebecca McNuttYour mind is the canvas upon which you are the artist. What will you paint on your canvas today? Will you draw a stick figure or create a masterpiece...?
— James A. MurphyThere are no mistakes in art.
— Maria RenteriaI paint the darkness and the silence, You see them as stars and poetry.
— Jenim DibieLove is the canvas covering the furniture that you've become a part of.
— Josh Stern