Faxian and Xuanzang might have been the first Chinese to travel to India, but sometimes it felt like I was the first.
— Hong MeiCalcutta has still not recovered from history: people mourn the past, and abhor it deeply.
— Amit ChaudhuriThose places where sadness and misery abound are favoured settings for stories of ghosts and apparitions. Calcutta has countless such stories hidden in its darkness, stories that nobody wants to admit they believe but which nevertheless survive in the memory of generations as the only chronicle of the past. It is as if the people who inhabit the streets, inspired by some mysterious wisdom, relalise that the true history of Calcutta has always been written in the invisible tales of its spirits and unspoken curses.
— Carlos Ruiz ZafónFor years and years, even during the time of my first visit in 1962, it has been said that Calcutta was dying, that its port was silting up, its antiquated industry declining, but Calcutta hadn't died. It hadn't done much, but it had gone on; and it had begun to appear that the prophecy has been excessive. Now it occurred to me that perhaps this was what happened when cities died. They don't die with a bang; they didn't die only when they were abandoned. Perhaps, they died like this: when everybody was suffering, when transport was so hard that working people gave up jobs they needed because the fear the suffering of the travel; When no one had clean water or air; No one could go walking. Perhaps city died when they lost amenities that cities provided, the visual excitement, the heightened sense of human possibility, and became simply places where there were too many people, and people suffered.
— V.S. NaipaulCalcutta's the only city I know where you are actively encouraged to stop strangers at random for a quick chat.
— Tahir ShahThere is nothing quite as unpleasant as wearing a pair of briefs which have been trailed through a Calcutta courtyard. Nothing, that is, except having one's elbows and knees lacerated by unseen slivers of glass and discarded razor blades.
— Tahir ShahAs they were walking, a beggar came up, holding his hand out and crying, 'Baksheesh! Baksheesh!'Mike kept on going but Mitchell stopped. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out twenty paise and placed it in the beggar's dirty hand.Mike said, 'I used to give to beggars when I first came here. But then I realized, it's hopeless. It never stops.'Jesus said you should give to whoever asks you,' Mitchell said.'Yeah, well,' Mike said, 'obviously Jesus was never in Calcutta.
— Jeffrey EugenidesWhere does one go in a tremendous city like Calcutta to find insider information? I recalled India's golden rule: do the opposite of what would be normal anywhere else.
— Tahir ShahThe mere mention of the Farakka Express, which jerks its way eastward each day from Delhi to Calcutta, is enough to throw even a seasoned traveller into fits of apoplexy. At a desert encampment on Namibia's Skeleton Coast, a hard-bitten adventurer had downed a peg of local fire-water then told me the tale. Farakka was a ghost train, he said, haunted by ghouls, Thuggees, and thieves. Only a passenger with a death wish would go anywhere near it.
— Tahir Shah