Oh, [god] can hear you just fine. He hears everything. Every scream. Every cry. Every whimper. Every plea for mercy. For death. He hears. He just doesn't give a fuck.

— Jason Aaron

Where's the goddamn giant?

— Jason Aaron

I couldn't help thinking how well Cain had prospered after killing his brother: he founded the first city--and, although we don't like to talk about it all that much, we are all his children.

— Philip Gourevitch

The dreadful joy Thy Son has sentIs heavier than any care;We find, as Cain his punishment,Our pardon more than we can bear.

— G.K. Chesterton

Doubt is the privilege of those who have lived a long time,.

— José Saramago

Your cunning has proved to be that of Cain. I grant you power over the Hellmouth. May Samael take my revenge.' The thing said with a bitter look and a voice that seemed to be many.

— Georgina Morales

I wonder what God must have thought then / When He saw the work of Cain's hand / That the first baby born on the planet / Grew up to kill the third man.

— Brian M. Boyce

God's will can go fuck itself. And so can you.

— Jason Aaron