Busy hands achieve more than idle tongues.
— Matshona DhliwayoThe busier you are, the more intentional you must be.
— Michael HyattHe could take on anything and everything, it seemed, rather than leave himself time to reflect on his dissatisfaction with his life and what he might do about it.
— Claire TomalinBusyness chokes deep thinking.
— Todd StockerWe, in the interest of the so-called progress, have been persuaded to leave the production and at times the cooking of our food to companies whose owners and employees make a living by exploiting our busyness or laziness and our innate hunger to continue living.
— Mokokoma MokhonoanaNothing consumes time like nothing.
— Russell AckoffSome times things just fall off your plate.
— V.K. SpringsNeeds multiply as they are met. Woe to the man who would live a disentangled life. Be on guard, my soul, of complicating your environment so that you have neither time nor room for growth!
— Elisabeth ElliotThere’s more to life than increasing its speed.
— Frank SonnenbergWhen you're feeding the second coachload of tourists that day you aren't thinking about the birthday party for fifty next week.
— Robin McKinley