Large Squares, 1965 -Last BeetleThe body is much the same as the previous model, aside from increase in window size all round. Door handles and lock mechanisms also changed as well as seat and dashboard designs. Chrome beading became thinner, mounting holes for these also smaller. Chrome was later replaced by black anodizing or plastic to try and modernize the Bug. Tail light clusters changed from the oval shape to the ‘headstone’ and then the ‘elephant’s foot’ jumbo units the bug saw its last days with. In 1965 new larger windows all round. 1966 saw the last 6v bug, and also the first 1300cc motor. Those horrible little air vents behind the rear side windows came out in 1971 that caused lots of rusty bugs. Sloping headlights looked much nicer but went out in 1967.

— Christina Engela

A faint tickling on the back of his right hand caused Eragon to look down. A huge, wingless cricket clung to his glove. The insect was hideous: black and bulbous, with barbed legs and a massive skull-like head. Its carapace gleamed like oil.

— Christopher Paolini

Bugs never bug my head. They are amazing. It is the activities of humans which actually bug me all the time.

— Munia Khan

Shit' Bug said, his face sour. 'It's that thing again. We've been dealing with it since Pierce. You think you have a lead and then poof' - he made a puffing motion with his fingers - 'it melts into nothing and all you have is frustration and the far noise your face makes when you hit you desk with it.'Fart.... What?

— Ilona Andrews

I've just been bitten on the neck by a vampire... Mosquito. Does that mean that when the night comes I will rise and be annoying?

— Vera Nazarian

Software testing is a sport like hunting, it's bughunting.

— Amit Kalantri

If you fix a bug, sometimes there’s no guarantee won't bring up another bug.

— cG9sYXJhZGl0aWE=

Some people will still find a way to create a fire with wet logs.

— Anthony Liccione

Their beauty was to the beauty of Miss Canal Zone as the glory of the Sun was to the glory of a lightning bug.

— Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Things you don't need in your life targets you the most.

— Michael Bassey Johnson