You will never choose love greater than what you believe you deserve and what other insecure people tell your lack of self esteem to have faith in.
— Shannon L. AlderMost people do not have a problem with you thinking for yourself, as long as your conclusions are the same as or at least compatible with their beliefs.
— Mokokoma MokhonoanaSometimes your belief system is really your fears attached to rules.
— Shannon L. AlderI am not perfect, but if I looked perfect to everyone I must have been rocking imperfect perfectly to a few imperfect souls that seek imperfection vs. Perfection, in an imperfect world where God asks us to seek perfection for our imperfect souls.
— Shannon L. AlderA daughter of God knows that insecurity is not an excuse for doing evil to others, nor will God rest until caring for everyone is a lesson you learn.
— Shannon L. AlderWhen dealing with critics always remember this: Critics judge things based on what is outside of their content of understanding.
— Shannon L. AlderNeeds are imposed by nature. Wants are sold by society.
— Mokokoma MokhonoanaMost of us are brainwashed by our society so we become the reflection of that society.
— Debasish MridhaArrange your life in such a way that you don't make choices based on fear of God, instead of love of God.
— Shannon L. AlderSatan will always whisper don't care, be silent, you didn't do anything wrong, your better than them, your stronger than your enemies. However, a true daughter or son of God says back: I hurt so I will make it right. I was silent, but now I am ready to listen and share. I am not better because I know what I have done. I am not stronger than my enemies by hating them, but by healing them.
— Shannon L. Alder