The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.
— Criss JamiA session of boasting won't attract any real friends. It will set you up on a pedestal, however, making you a clearer target.
— Richelle E. GoodrichI can arrogantly brag that the doors I choose in life open wide and grant me unobstructed passage. But the widest doors tend to lead to the worst places.
— Craig D. LounsbroughIt ain't bragging if you've done it. There's nothing wrong with being proud of doing something well. In fact, if you intend to do something creative for a living, it's absolutely essential.[check for wording] Proper pride says, 'I'm good at this.' Improper pride says, 'I'm better than you.
— James A. OwenWhat organized dating sites fail to understand is that the people are far more interesting in what they don't say about themselves.
— Nassim Nicholas TalebThe most beautiful women I have known had one thing in common apart from beauty: humility. It's a shame that those with less to boast about do it the most.
— Donna Lynn HopeBravado may stir the crowd, but courage needs no audience.
— T.F. HodgeLeaders don't climb hills of success with shoes of pride. They are slippery enough to bring a person down to the valley.
— Israelmore AyivorCharity: begins at home and remains there. When it goes out, it's because it wants to brag about itself.
— Bangambiki HabyarimanaLincoln jibed that a general INVADED Canada without resistance and out-vaded it without pursuit.
— Harold Holzer