To think you could have been dreaming the cure for cancer,' Blue said. 'Look, Sargent,' Ronan retorted, 'I was gonna dream you some eye cream last night since clearly modern medicine's doing jack shit for you, but I nearly had my ass handed to me by a death snake from the fourth circle of dream hell, so you're welcome.'Blue was appropriately touched. 'Ah, thanks, man.'No problem, bro.
— Maggie StiefvaterAt this, Gansey rolled over onto his back and folded his hands on his chest. He wore a salmon polo shirt, which, in Blue’s opinion, was far more hellish than anything they’d discussed to this point.
— Maggie StiefvaterToday, Blue thought, is the day I stop listening to the future and start living it instead.
— Maggie StiefvaterShe tried to ignore that, this close to the man, he had the overpowering chemical scent of a manly shower gel. That sort that normally came in a black bottle and was called something like SHOCK or EXCITE or BLUNT TRAUMA.
— Maggie StiefvaterI’m not using any word,” Ronan said. The annoying thing about Ronan was always that he was angry when everyone else was calm, and calm when everyone else was angry. Because Blue was ready to bust a vein, his voice was utterly pacific. “I’m just telling you I’m not going. Maybe it’s wrong, maybe it’s not. My soul’s in enough peril as it is.
— Maggie StiefvaterI take it we're friends now,' Henry said. 'We must be,' Gansey replied. 'Jane says it should be so.'It should be so,' Blue agreed.
— Maggie StiefvaterGansey clucked at his bedraggled reflection in the dark-framed mirror hanging in the front hallway. Chainsaw eyed herself briefly before hiding on the other side of Ronan's neck; Adam did the same, but without the hiding-in-Ronan's-neck bit. Even Blue looked less fanciful that usual, the lighting rendering her lampshade dress and spiky hair as a melancholy Pierrot.
— Maggie Stiefvater