For the first time I am confronted with the fact that places and people are like things: both made of memories and meaningful to us in the same way: we construct ourselves in our conversations with them.

— Bilal Tanweer

A city is all about how you look at it.

— Bilal Tanweer

People who ran away are friends!

— Bilal Tanweer

My dear, you are not one person. You have many people in you, and each one can ask only some kinds of questions.

— Bilal Tanweer

Now, standing here, it is clear as day: more than anything else, you want to find words for what you feel and think and everything that is dark. And then this terrifying thought hits you: Yes, your father wrote poetry to find a language for his wounds. Yes, you in your own way have become your father.

— Bilal Tanweer

What appears strange and complex becomes stranger and more complicated once you begin to investigate it. That's the true nature of the world.

— Bilal Tanweer