Wouldn't the world be a much better place if we didn't make it past the age of maybe 10? Think back to when we were younger, before we were so easily influenced by adults. We rebelled against everything that we now believe is impossible. Super Heroes still existed and we didn't hold grudges because 'sorry' was okay and as long as you still wanted to share your toys with me, nothing more needed to be said. Be 10 years old today everyone.

— D'Andre Lampkin

With all due respect,' Christopher muttered, 'this conversation is leading nowhere. At least one of you should point out that Beatrix deserves a better man.'That's what I said about my wife,' Leo remarked. 'Which is why I married her before she could find one.

— Lisa Kleypas

Smartass Disciple: Master, I want to be the better me by forgetting my past.Master of Stupidity: If you just forget it, how would you measure you're better?

— Toba Beta

Love: I guess It is some kind of magic, It has a power to make us better... But there is the thing magic can sometimes be an illusion and nothing else.

— Rati Tsiteladze