Are you using your time to time God or you are working on God's timing? Don't ask God for the gift of Patience and you tell him you need it now. (A bit deep).

— Patience Johnson

Do you want to grow spiritually? Build better relationships? Succeed in your career? Conquer anxiety and find peace? Break a bad habit? Be healed from the emotional wounds of your past? Then meditate on, ponder, think about, practise mentally, and verbalise the Word of God. Instead of living off someone else’s spiritual insight, study God’s Word for yourself and allow the Holy Spirit to bless you with life-transforming insights. Jesus said, ‘The Spirit takes my message and tells it to you’ (John 16:15). And you’ll experience the truth of those words when you personalise the Scripture you’re reading.

— Patience Johnson

Only in christanity that people that fall remain on the ground. When boxers are knocked down they refuse to remain on the ground or to accept a knock out. Even when they are bleeding with swollen faces, they still get up to fight but in Christianity even a push, not even a blow, Boxers gets up, wrestlers jumps up, Christians lie down.Do you know why? They do not fight a good fight, they expect to lose before they enter the ring. Every good fighter is an enduring person, they do excercise and training, they learn the act of endurance. You can't be a good Christian without an amour which is the word of God.

— Patience Johnson

My dear friend, a good attitude will determine your altitude. When you look at your life, career, job or family life, what do you say? Do you praise God? Do you blame the devil? A good attitude towards God makes Him move on your behalf. Just sit down and say, Today God, it is well with my soul, I am thankful I had a peaceful sleep, I am thankful I am alive with possibilities, I am thankful I have a roof over me, I am thankful I have a job, I am thankful that I have Family and Friends. Above all, I am thankful that I have the Lord Jesus Christ on my side. Be blessed and don't be envious or shocked when others are prospering because you don't know what they have been through to get there (test, trials and tribulation) so thank God for what you have. 'Little is much when God is in it. It Is Well With My Soul! Touch someone’s life with this message. If God be for us,who can be against us?

— Patience Johnson

What happens to you when you are not enough for yourself? The day that you will know that the second name of this world is trouble? The day that you will understand that salvation does not eliminate trials? The fact that you are baptised by the holy ghost does not send the devil to hell fire?Jesus didn't say kill the devil, He said cast him out. You may cast Him out from Germany, he may land in the United Kingdom. ..He is still there.Just bear in mind that heaven and earth may pass away but God and His words still remain the same.

— Patience Johnson

If you want to be inspired, don´t look for who has expired. Look for someone to lift up your vision, look for someone who can make the baby in you live not someone who can cause you abortion or miscarriage. Look for whose vision can challenge your vision. Look for whose story is a true story not a fiction.

— Patience Johnson

Only Agape love makes permanent relationship possible. Without agape every other relationship will be temporary. You cannot experience God's promise of marriage which is permanent; until death do us part without God's material which is agape love, everything else will fail you.

— Patience Johnson

I have tried a lot of things in my life minus one thing ..And that is doubting God. I am so sure of Him that I know that whenever I surrender He kicks in and takes over.

— Patience Johnson

If God permit you to fall, He will definitely stand by you to rise.

— Patience Johnson

When you are busy doing something for God, God will also be busy doing something for you.

— Patience Johnson