Choose the body in which to dwell.

— Lailah Gifty Akita

The most beautiful people I have ever met are the ones who always see life in full colour. They are the ones who have been through hell and back and still stop to savour the parts of life that many seldom pay attention to. They will always use their past experiences as a guiding light to bring forth a more authentic way of life. These are the people I admire most because no matter how much they have suffered, they will always find a reason to make the best of this imperfect world.

— Karen A. Baquiran

You will always be left with how you feel about other people, if you don't just take in the way you think and tell them how you feel about them.

— Auliq Ice

Pamela was beautiful, it was true, and I felt that submerged attraction to her that everyone felt for the beautiful.

— Emma Cline

She made ugly things beautiful, somehow, and he would never understand it. 'pg 346.

— Veronics Roth

He was bright, bright, bright, like a lantern above a pub door in November- he made you want to come in and never leave.

— Caitlin Moran

Just because a person is attractive/beautiful, this does not mean it is okay to villainize them. We always say that we cannot judge a person from the outside (doesn't matter if they have a handicap, are ugly, have a deformity, etc.). But this must go both ways. It also does not matter if someone is beautiful, attractive and happy. That also does not make it okay to judge them, to villainize them. There is a double standard when it comes to whom people choose to be good to, and this double standard is wrong. The outward appearance, both the grotesque and the beautiful, must not be basis for kindness and for cruelty.

— C. JoyBell C.

What constitutes a beautiful girl? It is not merely an anatomical or aesthetic quality. Beautiful girls have an inner beauty, an inner light that defeats the darkness. It is a way of walking, smiling, of being. They have a certain smell, sweet as baby breath. They radiate good will, kindness, selflessness.

— Chloe Thurlow

He's wearing boots, a kilt, and a long-sleeve tee. No coat, even though it's December. Beautiful people don't need coats. They've got their auras to keep them warm.

— Jennifer Donnelly

There is beauty in the soul of every man.

— Lailah GiftyAkita