Beautiful is he who recognizes what is truly beautiful,Even if the surface is ugly.Truthful is he who says what is true,Even if the truth is ugly.Ugly is he who measures beauty by its exterior,Without first weighing the interior.And ugly is the man who judges harshly what he sees looking out,Without first judging what he sees in the mirror.Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun (2010).
— Suzy KassemThis is the sacred secret of love. Love a person for their heart and only their heart, and you will be rewarded with the best unconditional love in return. If you ignore the heart and focus just on a person’s outer beauty, love will ignore you. Love a person for only the beauty found in their heart, and that beautiful heart will always be beautiful to you.
— Suzy KassemHis heart was like a battered guitar; worn and scuffed from a life spentout on the road, but still capableof bringing forth beautiful music.
— John Mark GreenA beautiful heart finds beauty in everything.
— Debasish MridhaWhat separates people who made their dreams come true is not setting goals to achieve a life the way they expect it to be, but how they expect to be, in order to achieve it.
— Shannon L. AlderDon't Worry If She Ignored You Or You're Ugly. She'll See Your Beautiful Heart as Soon As You Step Out From The Audi.
— Bunny NaiduA beautiful woman is one with a beautiful heart. She may be covered with mud or sores but only her foot fit the glass slipper.
— Omoakhuana AnthoniaBeauty is in the heart of the beholder.
— Suzy Kassem