I have seen so many lands vanish in my wake, torn down like stage sets. What survives of them? An image as fleeting as a dream: whatever beauties I discovered, I already knew by heart.
— Gérard de NervalHowever beautiful a morning may be, we still must not wish it to continue endlessly, because this shall mean missing forever all the beauties of the night!
— Mehmet Murat ildanLet us drink wine to remember what kind of mystical beauties life offers us and to comprehend what sort of magic potions existence has!
— Mehmet Murat ildanAll women may not be beautiful but every woman can look beautiful.
— Amit KalantriBe true to yourself to reveal your own unique beauties, feelings, and perceptions.
— Debasish MridhaSmile on the face or innocence on the face is as attractive as beauty on the face.
— Amit KalantriSexual frenzy is our compensation for the tedious moments we must suffer in the passage of life. 'Nothing in excess,' professed the ancient Greeks. Why if I spend half the month in healthy scholarship and pleasant sleep, shouldn't I be allowed the other half to howl at the moon and pillage the groins of Europe's great beauties?
— Roman Payne