You have powerful storms in your mind? Visit the silent beaches to calm your storms! You have excessive silence in your mind? Find some powerful storms to awaken your mind!

— Mehmet Murat ildan

What a boon to live on the water! Such delicious shades and hues! This is a template worthy of the greatest painters. The textures of sand and stone could inspire incomparable sculptures, and the sounds - the steady lapping of the waves, the sweet chirping of the birds, make this a sanctuary.

— Adriana Trigiani

After supper they saw Kaluka to the boardwalk, and then strolled back along the beach to Asbury. The evening sea was a new sensation, for all its color and mellow age was gone, and it seemed the bleak waste that made the Norse sagas sad.

— F. Scott Fitzgerald

Life is a summer, full of fun, at the beach, under the sun.

— Debasish Mridha

We hit the sunny beaches where we occupy ourselves keeping the sun off our skin, the saltwater off our bodies, and the sand out of our belongings.

— Erma Bombeck

All I cared about that summer were suntans, beaches, boys and booze.

— Shannon Celebi

Lex surfed wicked, like the devil. He wasn’t afraid of anything, seemed like. He grinned at West as the waves came up toward them like towers of green glass, an emerald city. We’re off to see the wizard, he shouted. He whooped. His body crouched ready to fly. He shone against the sun.

— Francesca Lia Block

All the beaches of the world, could never amount to, nor implore the one grain of sand that I stand on, which is your love.

— Anthony Liccione

If pinpointing God's presence were really that simple, then he supposed the beaches would be more crowded in the mornings. They would be filled with people on their own quests, instead of people jogging or walking their dogs or fishing in the surf.

— Nicholas Sparks

Not all beaches are fun and sunscreen.

— Bryant A. Loney