As in diamonds so in batting, perfection requires flawlessness and nowhere is a batting imperfection more quickly recognised than in the dropped catch. For this reason any innings worthy of consideration deserves to have all its flaws studied to establish whether or not it is the genuine gem or just masquerading as one under the glitter of big hitting or weight of runs.
— Patrick FerridayWhat mattered to me most when I was batting was feeling comfortable. As long as I felt comfortable, it didn't matter where I was playing or who I was playing against. If you make technical adjustments to cope with different conditions, there's a risk of making yourself feel uncomfortable and of thinking too much about your technique. I've always felt that I've batted best when my mind has been at the bowler's end of pitch, not at my end. There's no time to think about both ends at the same time. So in general it always seemed to me that If I was comfortable with my gear, it would allow my mind to be at the opposite end and I had a better chance of playing well.
— Sachin TendulkarEveryone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark.
— Amit RayYou don't need to play every ball but every ball needs your judgement.
— Amit RaySachin's straight drive is like fired bullet from most efficient gun.
— Amit KalantriI would like to be an umpire when Sachin is batting, so to get the best possible view of his shots.
— Amit KalantriSachin has infinite capacity for taking pains and still making runs.
— Amit KalantriBehind an able Indian Cricket Team there is always able Sachin Tendulkar.
— Amit KalantriCentury was an occasional thing in cricket, Sachin made it frequent.
— Amit KalantriSachin plays not only to be remembered but also to be repeated.
— Amit Kalantri