I hump the wild to take it all in, there is no bag limit on happiness.

— Ted Nugent

Money doesn't buy elegance. You can take an inexpensive sheath, add a pretty scarf, gray shoes, and a wonderful bag, and it will always be elegant.

— Carolina Herrera

When we’d all settled down from that first night, Julie found a bag on the porch, which we thought must have been left by the same three girls who had brought me to them. Just like the clues on my skin, I’d only been left with two worldly possessions. The first was a wad of cash that I immediately handed to Ben and Julie as compensation for giving me a home. Most of it went to pay for Akinli’s medical bills, which was fine with me. I didn’t know if there was a word bigger than soul mates, something that meant the feeling of being so connected that it was hard to tell where one person ended and the other began. If there was, that word belonged to Akinli and me.The second thing was a bottle of water. It was so peculiar, this water, a blue that was both dark and brilliant, too thick to see through but still carrying light. No matter the season, it was always cold, and there were tiny shells in it that never settled.Sometimes I slept with it, even though it was cold enough to wake me up if I rolled on it the wrong way. It was the only clue I had to tell me who I had been before the night I was left on the porch, and I loved it second only to Akinli.Somehow, I knew that this love was important, as if treasuring the water meant I treasured myself. And I did. I loved my recovering body, I loved my blue-eyed soul mate, I loved my adopted family.I held the water to my chest, and I loved.

— Kiera Cass

Once I find a bag that I love, I wear it always. I just don't change my bags. I literally find one and stay with it.

— Cara Delevingne

Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel.

— Leonardo da Vinci

I was teased if I brought my books home. I would take a paper bag to the library and put the books in the bag and bring them home. Not that I was that concerned about them teasing me - because I would hit them in a heartbeat. But I felt a little ashamed, having books.

— Walter Dean Myers

Take, if you must, this little bag of dreams, Unloose the cord, and they will wrap you round.

— William Butler Yeats

Stephen King have a lot of books about the writing not only 'The Writting: Memoir and Craft', but and 'Nightmares and Dreamscapes', however 'Misery', also and 'Bag of Bones' and even and others. Which is awesome, different perspectives for being a an writer.

— Deyth Banger

You don't have to carry a designer bag that costs more than a car to look cool.

— Kesha

This fact is that the heaviest and more burdensome load ever is neither the cement bag nor the iron rod. It is hatred.

— Israelmore Ayivor