You're murderers,' she told the stunned crowd. 'You killed him. He was a miracle, and you killed him. Now you've just got me. And I'm a curse.

— J.L. Bryan

Zebrowski says that if you killed someone else just hide the body, he's not starting over on the paperwork.

— Laurell K. Hamilton

Never trust people who smile constantly. They're either selling something or not very bright.

— Laurell K. Hamilton

A smell of burned hair and cotton wafted into the air as I spun toward my desk. There was a low whine from the desk and then smoke billowed out of my closed laptop.I gaped.My precious, perfectly brand new laptop I cherished like one would a small child.Son of a mother…Friend or not, it was so on.

— Jennifer L. Armentrout

Some girls want to be a princess when they grow up. I wanted to be in a bad bitch girl gang.

— Natalia Kills

I just don't believe in helping people who are going to torture me. Though I don't see any bamboo slivers. How can you possibly torture someone without bamboo slivers?

— Laurell K. Hamilton

It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum! We made it to Hollywood, time to give these aliens the golden boot!' - Angel from the Thousand Years War.

— Angel Ramon Medina

It’s getting a little chilly in here! Why don’t we sit by the fireplace and I’ll tell you the story of how I single handedly killed the Medina boys!

— Angel Ramon Medina

One thing I've learned about vampires--they keep pulling new rabbits out of their cloaks. Big, fanged, carnivorous bunnies that'll eat your eyeballs if you're not paying attention.

— Laurell K. Hamilton

Riley Blackthorne - kicking hell's ass one demon at a time.

— Jana Oliver