Broken things can be fixed and healed. Nothing is too difficult or too dirty to clean.

— Marika McCoola

Liam's lips tightened. 'She's only a little girl. She doesn't know anything about swords. What if she cuts herself? It's sharp, right?' 'Of course it is sharp, Liam. What would be the point ot having a sword that wasn't?

— Deborah Blake

My brother, are you aware that you are presently taking the form of a rather large and distinctly emerald-hued bear? Not that it isn't an improvement on your usual excessive good lucks, but...

— Deborah Blake

Thanks, Baba. You are always such a comfort.' She gave him a wry look. 'I know. I've been considering becoming a counselor. Or possibly a nurse.' Day shook his head. 'If I were you, Baba Yaga, I'd stick to your day job.

— Deborah Blake

Barbara felt lightheaded, almost dizzy with what she was about to say. But she said it anyway. 'As you wish, Your Majesty. In that case, I am afraid I must resign my position as Baba Yaga. If I am forced to choose between the work I was destined to do and the man I was destined to love, I choose the man.

— Deborah Blake

The shiny black nose of a fox appears through her door before the rest of it steps tentatively across the wooden floor to where she’s cooking. A pile of children’s clothes lie discarded in a corner of the room. The fox knows what she is cooking and holds back a shudder. There are some things even foxes know better than to eat.

— Amy Kuivalainen

Naughty children have to be protected. Even if it's just from themselves.

— Marika McCoola

Couldn't I just take up juggling fire over a pit of alligators?' Liam muttered. 'I think it might be easier.

— Deborah Blake