When I am dead, I charge you to mingle our ashes and bury us together.

— Madeline Miller

I know I could have saved your ashes to put into the ocean, but I wanted you to have the journey, all the way with the currents, to the open sea. And I know that when I finally get to see the waves washing on the shore, to hear them, I will feel you there.

— Ava Dellaira

The day when the fire that we had lit in our minds reaches our hearts, we will start turning every person that we come in contact with into ashes. We become the ghosts that we always feared.

— Akshay Vasu

Smoke your pain but keep the ashes forever.

— M.F. Moonzajer

When scorching passion only leaves ashes of unfulfilled dreams, hope may entice the sprinkling magic of our imagination into livening up the footlights on a new stage of life. ('Taken for a ride').

— Erik Pevernagie

A true love is never defeated.Even when in ashes,it whirls and finds solace with air.

— sandeep kumar mishra

I am sick of the dern box! I have not only stepped out of the hateful piece of cardboard, I have burned it and scattered the ashes over my past.

— Tanya R. Simon

Rejoice with glitters of ashes tonightSparkling for moon's spiced silver biteUpon skin of darkness, loving night moreStorm begins unlocking cold wind's door.

— Munia Khan

They lit her wings with the flames, but she raised to the sky soaring over the clouds until the whole sky caught fire. She flew staring at the destruction with her cold eyes, while the clouds came down as the balls of fire and burnt everyone, who tried to take her wings away into ashes.

— Akshay Vasu

You are like that spark of fire, that fell on a leaf and burnt the whole tree down gradually. Look at me now, all you can see is the memories and reflections of a tree that stood tall and strong once before. But I will not let you win. I will show you, how life can rise again from just ashes and dust.

— Akshay Vasu