To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.

— Sun Tzu

To use the enemy's weapon is to play the enemy's game...Speak the truth and hear the truth.

— Ursula K. Le Guin

Not sure how you can get them to him without looking like a crazy stalker chick,' Micah says.'You think I'm a crazy stalker chick?'You're using an ancient war manual to try to win back your boyfriend. I think you're a girl who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants,' he says. 'Hey, at least you're committed.

— Paula Stokes

Leaders can change the tenor of the workplace and create harmony in motion toward a favorable result. So every time you say to your team, 'Let's rock and roll,' make sure you have already set up the stage to where they can actually perform like rock stars.

— Thomas Huynh

Be selective in your battles...

— Brandi L. Bates

It is good to know one's enemy.It is better to know one's self.

— Max Hawthorne

If your enemy has the power to see into the future, make sure you are the author of that future.

— Lionel Suggs

The Sun Tzu School (which wrote the Art of War) surely never imagined that their antiwar, pro-empire treatise would become known and accepted after the fall of the first empire as a text on military tactics. Likewise, they would have been surprised to see the Ping-fa military metaphor—an inspired teaching device—come to be seen as the message and not the medium.

— David G. Jones

The Sun Tzu School Ping-fa Directive. Be strong and continually aware. Manage your strength and that of others. When essential, engage on your terms. Be observant, adaptive, and subtle. Do not lose control. Act decisively. Conclude quickly. Don't Fight!

— David G. Jones