It’s the journey, not the destination, but that doesn’t make sense until you get there.
— J.R. RimIt is more important to go slow and gain the lessons you need along the journey then to rush the process and arrive at your destination empty.
— Germany KentWhen we get down to the very basics of human life we find that we arrive to take a ride on spaceship Earth for several decades and then we leave.
— Steven MageeI love to travel, but hate to arrive.
— Hernan CortesTo travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive.
— Robert Louis StevensonDon’t just exist; do something meaningful with your life. Discover a problem and fix it.Don’t just fit in; make it a point to brighten your corner. Decide to resolve your challenges. Don’t just manage; go extra mile and win your race. Never give up the fight. You will win.Don’t just be able; always make sure you are available. Be present to make a change.Don’t just be alive; once you have arrived, find the reason why and make that reason accomplished.Don’t just wish; be passionate about what you wish to see happen. Rise up and make it happen.Don’t just create; create to change; change to improve; improve to increase. Aspire to inspire.Don’t just be making a living; make a life and leave an indelible footstep wherever you step.I want to meet you and many others on the top. Don’t be left out!
— Israelmore AyivorI will never lose the love for the arriving, but I'm born to leave.
— Charlotte ErikssonWild waves rise and fall when they arrive And that’s what makes the calm sea alive.
— Munia KhanWinter arrived with December, and the world continued to suffer the loss of the Internet and most forms of communication. Supply chains were disrupted. The only mass form of personal communication was the letter, and postal workers were having their worst year ever, as they were actually meeded. Food was becoming scarcer and more expensive, as was fuel for vehicles and heating. Major cities experienced riots on a regular basis, spurred on by religious fervor and want. Civilization was on the brink of collapse.
— Mark A. RaynerThe Master doesn't try to be powerful;thus he is truly powerful.The ordinary man keeps reaching for power;thus he never has enough.The Master does nothing,yet he leaves nothing undone.The ordinary man is always ding things,yet many more are left to be done.[…]Therefore the Master concerns himselfWith the depths and not the surface,With the fruit and not the flower.[…]Teaching without words,Performing without actions:That is the Master’s way.[…]The Master arrives without leaving,Sees the light without looking,Achieves without doing a thing.[…]The Master is above the people,And no one feels oppressed.She goes ahead of the people,And no feels manipulated.The whole world is grateful to her.Because she completes with no one,No one can complete with her.
— Lao Tzu