If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.

— Masaru Emoto

That (labyrinth)...Became a world whose rules I lived by, and I understood the moral of mazes: sometimes you have to turn your back on your goal to get there, sometimes you're farthest away when you're closest, sometimes the only way is the long one. After that careful walking and looking down, the stillness was deeply moving...It was breathtaking to realize that in the labyrinth, metaphors and meanings could be conveyed spatially. That when you seem farthest from your destination is when you suddenly arrive is a very pat truth in words, but a profound one to find with your feet.

— Rebecca Solnit

My ideal journey: set out early and never arrive.

— Marty Rubin

Well, my friends give me purple flowers and orange teaand goosedown spinning quilts and torquoise chairswe greet one another in a wild profusion of wordsand wave farewell amidst the wonderment of airIn the laughing times we know we are luckyIn the quiet times we know that we are blessedAnd we will not be alone.

— Dar Williams

It's not the appearance that makes a man, it's the man that makes an appearance.

— Anthony Liccione

You must clear out what you don't want, to make room for what you do want to arrive.

— Bryant McGill

It is staggering how completely, fully and fairly life supports you if your negativity will allow the blessings to arrive.

— Bryant McGill

People who always arrive early aren't worth waiting for.

— Crystal Woods

The ray of light has to know where it will ultimately end up before it can choose the direction to begin moving in'Fermat's principle sounds weird because it describes light's behavior in goal-oriented terms. It sounds like a commandment to a light beam: 'Thou shalt minimize or maximize the time taken to reach thy destination.

— Ted Chiang

Don’t just exist; do something meaningful with your life. Discover a problem and fix it.Don’t just fit in; make it a point to brighten your corner. Decide to resolve your challenges. Don’t just manage; go extra mile and win your race. Never give up the fight. You will win.Don’t just be able; always make sure you are available. Be present to make a change.Don’t just be alive; once you have arrived, find the reason why and make that reason accomplished.Don’t just wish; be passionate about what you wish to see happen. Rise up and make it happen.Don’t just create; create to change; change to improve; improve to increase. Aspire to inspire.Don’t just be making a living; make a life and leave an indelible footstep wherever you step.I want to meet you and many others on the top. Don’t be left out!

— Israelmore Ayivor