Angels were created into form so they can interact with Earth in a physical way.

— Eileen Anglin

God would not have brought you to this place to leave you here without the archangel's help.

— Eileen Anglin

You have family, only a brother you clearly don't like to speak about. Fine. That's all right.' She ran her fingers through her hair. 'But don't ever say dreams are a waste. It's a miracle I can still speak of dreams and futures after all I've been through. There's love in this world, Thristan, love that can encompass the heart abiding in humans' mortal, fragile bodies. And there are stupid little humans like me, dreamers, who believe one day they'll find it.

— Madison Thorne Grey

Vincent made his way closer to the group and shuffled his feet while he watched them embrace. Breccan's head remained buried in the huddle while his large hand reached out, grabbed Vincent's good wing, and pulled the archangel into the fold.

— Madison Thorne Grey

My angels are jellyfish,electric, nearly invisible,armed with poisoned harpoons.My archangels are yellow tang.They feed on sunlight.They speak through color.Anything in their paths turns blind.

— Eric Gamalinda

And so it was that Michael built a brown castle on the peak of his mountain, Gabriel built a golden pyramid in the midst of his plain, saying it was both a holy temple in my praise and an edifice that would guide him on his pattern for his future work, though I knew that only he would ever understand it, to my amusement, and Raphael built a silver palace to sparkle above the trees of his forests, as his home and celestial workshop, and I was well pleased with their work, as ever it was better than what I had hoped for. 'That was the First Age, the Archangel Age, long over. I can speak in much detail about each stage in my creation, and my scribes have written all my words on each stage in the books I gave to the angel courts, for study and meditation and for prayer, but such details are for my sons and daughters most interested in them, when they are of an age, with the understanding, to comprehend such things.

— Philip Dodd

Calling upon the angels when we are in need, helps the angels fulfill their heavenly mission. We are truly co-creators with them.

— Eileen Anglin

God and the archangels know your heart, they know what is in your heart before you even speak it. You don't have to say a word, or say the right words, they already know everything you have been through and everything your heart truly wants to experience.

— Eileen Anglin

Of all the places in the world, you ended up in New Orleans?” I asked, unable to keep the sarcasm from my voice.Michael nodded. “Yes,” he agreed, apparently not registering the sarcasm. “Please,” I muttered, pulling a face. “Hurricanes, poverty, homes that are never going to be rebuilt, oil spills... This city has had so much crap thrown at it, and you’re telling me that there are angels here?”Again, Michael nodded. “Yes. Regardless of what has happened or what is happening, this city fights.”Okay, he may have had a point. The citizens of New Orleans were resilient; I’d give him that.

— C. L. Coffey

That was the funny thing. What happened to John would pass for his classmates, but for John it was a long challenging road ahead of him. Who knew where he would be sent, maybe a juvenile detention center? He might keep in touch with a few friends if his parents let him, but he would never return to Wakefield High. His peers had no clue the journey ahead of him, that his life was changed forever. And they had no idea what lay ahead for Lilly. No one knew she had been given a task by the Archangels to fight a war against pure evil. They had no idea that Lilly would spend most of her free time not training for a marathon, but training to kill demons. John and Lilly were not all too different.

— Ellie Elisabeth