Houston, Tranquillity Base here. The Eagle has landed.

— Neil Armstrong

I’ve always felt sorry for Mike Collins, driving all the way to the moon but not allowed out of the car to look around.

— Janet Turpin Myers

I can see why people find him [Hugo Chávez] charming. He's very ebullient, as they say. I've heard him make a speech, though, and he has a vice that's always very well worth noticing because it's always a bad sign: he doesn't know when to sit down. He's worse than Castro was. He won't shut up. Then he told me that he didn't think the United States landed on the moon and didn't believe in the existence of Osama bin Laden. He thought all of this was all a put-up job. He's a wacko.

— Christopher Hitchens

We are off! And do we know it, not just because the world is yelling 'Lift-off' in our ears, but because the seats of our pants tell us so! Trust your instruments, not your body, the modern pilot is always told, but this beast is best felt. Shake, rattle and roll!

— Michael Collins