I have an idea,' Annabelle said, 'Let's go to the kitchen and peek in the larder. I bet there's still some gooseberry cake left from dessert. Not to mention the strawberry jam trifle.'Lillian lifted her head and blotted her wet nose on her sleeve. 'Do you really think a plate of sweets will make me feel better?'Annabelle smiled. 'It can't hurt, can it?'Lillian considered the point. 'Let's go,' she said, and allowed her friend to pull her up from the bench.

— Lisa Kleypas

Dearest,' she murmured, 'as you know, there was a time when it didn't matter to me whether I married a man I loved or not... It seemed enough just to get my family out of the desperate situation we were in. But when I thought about what it would be like to share a bed with my husband... To spend the rest of my life with him... I knew Simon was the only choice.' She paused, and sudden tears glittered her eyes. Beautiful, self-possessed Annabelle, who hardly ever cried. 'When I'm ill,' she continued in a husky voice, 'when I'm afraid, when I need something, I know he will move heaven and earth to make everything all right. I trust him with every fiber of my being. And when I see the child we created, the two of us mingled forever in her... My God, how grateful I am that I married Simon.

— Lisa Kleypas

Everything you do or say interests me.'Really,' she said skeptically. 'What about Lord Westcliff's claim that I'm shallow and self-absorbed?'As she faced him, Simon braced one hand on the wall near her head and leaned over her protectively. His voice was very soft. 'He doesn't know you.'And you do?'Yes, I know you.' He reached out to finger a tendril of damp hair that clung to her neck. 'You guard yourself carefully. You don't like to depend on anyone. You're determined and strong-willed, and you're decided in your opinions. Not to mention stubborn. But never self-absorbed. And anyone with your intelligence could never be called shallow.

— Lisa Kleypas