Tony and Peg have two kids, Terry-Lynn and Harvey, both of whom are enrolled in so many extracurricular and afterschool clubs that they hardly ever see their parents. If Terry-Lynn is in Girl Guides, she doesn’t have to see Peg inviting the Purolator man in for “a cup of coffee”. If Harvey is in the anime drawing club, he doesn’t have to see Peg kissing Mr. Cooper from across the street, even if all the other neighbours secretly know what’s going on. Tony has no idea, all he knows is that Peg isn’t the same Peg he married back in 2003. All he knows is that she’s changed a great deal, and not for the better, like a beautiful butterfly regressing back into a devouring, ugly caterpillar in the span of only a couple of months.
— Rebecca McNuttThere is no such thing as a perfect drawing, especially if you're ametur.
— Mark CrilleyThe only thing altruism will get you here is a boot stomping on your head.
— Henry MosqueraThe journey Is No Fun, If You Know Where your Going.
— Shokugeki No SomaJustice will prevail!
— Tsugumi OhbaIf you're that obsessed with someone, why would you kill her?Humans are full of contradictions.
— Ai YazawaLaziness is the mother of all bad habits, but ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her.
— Shikamaru NaraResignation is what kills people. Once they've rejected resignation, humans gain the privilege of making humanity their footpath.
— Kohta HiranoBut it must be inconvenient to not be able to remember your name. I'll give you my last name, if you want.
— Kakeru YuigaWhats the difference between a king and his horse?I dont mean some kiddy shit like one has 4 legs and the other has 2, or ones a person and ones an animal. If their form, ability, and power is exactly the same, then why is it one becomes the king and controls the battle and the other one becomes the horse and carries the king? There's only one answer...INSTINCT!!!
— Tite Kubo