So, what...In the meantime, you just...” He glanced at her then back at the road. “Deny yourself?”Em gave a half smile at the incredulity in his voice. Clearly it was a foreign concept to him. “It’s okay. I have a battery operated boyfriend awaiting my attention when I get home.”He shot her a quick, open-mouthed stare, his lips parted enticingly. He looked so stunned at her admission she couldn’t help but laugh.“Sorry, didn’t you know that women did that, too? Did I shock you?”“Not at all.” He recovered quickly, a big smile splitting his profile. “I’m just trying to decide which is sexier. Self-denial or self-abuse.

— Amy Andrews

So...Just kissing ...?”If he was disappointed, he didn’t show it. Kudos to him. “Some feeling up is allowed, but nothing below the waist. And absolutely no sex.” Just saying it out loud was getting her all hot and bothered. Him too if the flare of his nostrils was any indication. God, she’d missed this. All of it. The flirting. The chase. The dance. Surprisingly she wasn’t even that rusty. It was all coming back to her.“So it’s making out. Like in high school.”“Exactly.” She smiled.“High school sucked.

— Amy Andrews

I saw you on that field tonight, you rugby guys look like you were born knowing how to fuck.

— Amy Andrews

Sex was a happiness transaction. And rugby had given Linc the means to feel very happy, very often.

— Amy Andrews

He looked down at her and their gazes meshed for long moments. “I was wrong before. You’re definitely the best part.” Faith’s breath stuttered in her lungs. Nobody had ever said anything so damn romantic to her in her life. She’d been told she was gorgeous and beautiful and sexy by men who’d been keen to get her into bed but she’d never been told she was the best part of anybody’s anything.

— Amy Andrews

It was the kind of mouth that should only be found on angels. Chick angels.

— Amy Andrews

So, let me get this right.” He braked at a traffic light and yanked at the edges of his bow tie, reefing the knot undone, leaving the tails flapping open. “You’re pissed at me because my friends don’t think you’re just some kind of fuck buddy?

— Amy Andrews

Whatever am I going to do with that monster, Ryder Davis?”He gave a husky laugh. “I think you could probably just tell it to come now and it would.

— Amy Andrews

Probably just as well. Maybe with all that testosterone walking out the door, the insane urge to hump Lincoln Quinn’s leg would walk right out as well. Because that was exactly how she felt every time she looked at him.Like she was in heat.Within minutes, the restaurant had emptied out to only a few non-team wedding guests. Her nemesis was nowhere to be seen, and Em congratulated herself on her self-control as she eased off the bar stool.Embarrassing leg-humping avoided—bravo!

— Amy Andrews

I just don’t understand why they’d think we were together, when I’m leaving the country to live on the other side of the planet in a month?”It was Ryder’s turn to snort. “Well gosh, I don’t know Juliet. Maybe your hand on my cock was a clue.”She sucked in a breath, her eyes glittering now. “They could not see that!”“They didn’t have to,” he bit out. “We were practically humping each other at the table.

— Amy Andrews