Before you treat a man with a condition, know that not all cures can heal all people. For the chemistry that works on one patient may not work for the next, because even medicine has its own conditions.

— Suzy Kassem

I told Ella Mae Cheeks Johnson, then age 105, that she was the only person over 80 who I'd ever met who never referred to her physical infirmities or health problems. To which she replied, 'I have my difficulties; I do not rejoice in them.

— Patricia Mulcahy

Those who believe the worldly life interactions (vyavahaar) to be the real/true; developed high blood pressure, heart attacks and other such ailments. And those who believe it to be false, they became fat. Those living on both the shores, became lost wanderers. Although living the worldly life, ‘we’ are non-attached (vitaraag, the enlightened one).

— Dada Bhagwan