• Judge less–or at least later.• Give new ideas and images a chance.• Understand that everyone has his own truth or her own.• Remember: you are not married to any belief, opinion, or ideology.• Expect to discover something delicious every day. (260).

— Victoria Moran

I experience the age I am now as an age at which I must ensure that I already am what I insist or believe I am going to be.

— Justin Smith

Scent is such a powerful tool of attraction, that if a woman has this tool perfectly tuned, she needs no other. I will forgive her a large nose, a cleft lip, even crossed-eyes; and I’ll bathe in the jouissance of her intoxicating odour.

— Roman Payne

When Dr. Jung said we must be able to look forward in old age to the next day and to look forward to the great adventure that is ahead, he was making life’s “imperative to grow” personal. As long as we are alive, we must be able to dream of the future, of a better world or better ways of life. We are also invited by our greater Self to dream new dreams of creativity and fresh ways of expressing ourselves, as many great artists have into their nineties.

— Bud Harris

[G]rowing into your future with health and grace and beauty doesn’t have to take all your time. It rather requires a dedication to caring for yourself as if you were rare and precious, which you are, and regarding all life around you as equally so, which it is. (267-268).

— Victoria Moran

You'll get younger not from what you read but from what you apply in your life. (192).

— Victoria Moran

Your best is good enough.

— Vivian E. Greenberg

You do know, I hope, that no man under the age of forty can even approach fascinating.

— Tasha Alexander

The myth of self-sufficiency demands optimism without end, downplays life’s challenges, and shames us when, inevitably, we fall short.

— Ashton Applewhite

But nothing happened there now of a nature to provoke a disturbance. There were no complaints to the management or the police, and the dark glory of the upper galleries was a legend in such memories as that of the late Emiel Kroger and the present Pablo Gonzales, and one by one, of course, those memories died out and the legend died out with them. Places like the Joy Rio and the legends about them make one more than usually aware of the short bloom and the long fading out of things. ('The Mysteries of the Joy Rio').

— Tennessee Williams